Saturday 10 September 2011

The Eid Dilemma.

                                   I sat, i sat and i sat. Far across the parking shades stretches the main road, one of the busiest in town. Bit to the left  was the bus stand, every 13 minutes a bus would be there to deliver the load and get some fresh on board. But it's been 15 minutes, maybe more, no sign of any local transport. And why there would be, after all today was Eid. A day, when Muslims all across the world are supposed to be celebrating, enjoying as the Holy month of Ramadan had just passed. But i stood there, sitting by my window, watching the world outside. And what world there be, at this time of the day, on this moment of the year.
                                  Being lonely is not a physical state, its mental. You can be lonely in a crowd, at a football match, in a mall. All one needs is just a point to possess his/her being, and this need not be entirely. The brain would do it. My moment came just a day before Eid. A shattered dream, an impending nightmare, the type for which i was not yet ready.
                                  It was Ahmad who broke the news to me; the result's been announced. I looked him in the eyes; yes, he wasn't lying. My legs wobbled, but why be afraid, i was confident and my performance had been great. In fact i have never been better than what I've been. I went straight to my room and turned on the PC. Those 3 to 4 minutes of booting time seemed no less than an eternity. All sorts of stuff was going through my mind. Is this it, will all the hard work be paid off............ or fate had some other plans. Entered my login, and again, wait. Wait is something really extraordinary in itself. You really don't want it when something matters the most, yet it will slither in, and so begins the ultimate test of patience.
                                  Opened a browser and went straight to the result's page. Entering my details, it viewed what had been written in my destiny. I let out a giggle as in disbelief and refreshed the page. Same thing. I did that twice or thrice. Not a bit changed. At times like these it's difficult to believes your own eyes, for its these eyes that contradict what you really had been through to achieve something that really matters to you the most. Just a part of me against all of me. This couldn't be happening to me. I went through all that hell just to get hit with a brick in the face.
                                  I bought none of it. Turned it off ; but not for long. Turned it on again, to witness my doom. Words can fall short when describing what i was going through. Just one word echoed in me, just one word I wasn't destined to be a failure, not of this level at least. Something was seriously amiss.
                                 A car raced pass the road, by far it was the only one i have seen in an hour. A biker went by too. The paper boy was there, delivering newspaper on such a day. How cruel. How cruel this world can become. What a day for me, for the whole world was happy, busy in the celebrations but a confinement for me, an emotional confinement.
                                 I sat there, i just sat and sat. I saw the darkness of the night going by, i saw the sun coming up. I saw it coming at strength and the call of Eid prayers being said. I saw it making 180 degree turn and tracing its way back to the horizon, getting ready to come up once again. But i was broken, i just stood there, by my window. The whole world was in motion but i just stood there. As ironic the situation was, but the world was at a halt for me. What a day.


  1. the mystery remains. well written.

  2. Thankyou Ma'am. It's really something when coming from you.
