Saturday 17 September 2011

Importance of Voting in Pakistan

                                   It's been two years I've been legal, a legal citizen of Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Couple of years back, i would speculate endlessly of the stuff i would have access to as an adult; i'd be a licensed driver above all and would have my very own National Identity Card (NIC). People around me, especially my own parents, would have a greater deal of trust on me. More authority, added responsibilities and a distinguished social status, what else would one dream of. In reality, enjoying the privileges of adulthood are far more complicated than the fantasies of being an adult in a teenage mind. There's one thing i missed, with greater authority comes even greater responsibilities.
                                  As for now, yes, i am living my dream at its best by the Grace of Allah Almighty. As a matter of fact, the so-called-privileges have their moment a month or two. Soon they become history, with most of these reduced to the part of your wallet you never even bother.
                                  But being an adult isn't that all. It requires one's contribution, toward oneself, towards family, towards society, towards your country. Of course, Patriotism is the talk of the literates. Is it? For its been 64 years of diligence and dedication of the people of our country that Pakistan is on a totally different horizon of the developing world. Irony just can't help being a part of our lives, for we are 'Pakistanis'. We talk of progress, (free) education for all, law, order, justice, sacrifice, dedication and equality amongst all, the like of stuff that comes under the sub-heading of basic Islamic Laws of State. For we live in the 'Islamic' Republic of Pakistan. And honestly, no hard feelings there because we are reaping what we had sown. Just take a look at our counter part, India for an instance; they got independence a day later than we got it, but they are light years ahead of where we stand now. With almost equal number of chances (forget the independence period for God's sake now), they have excelled in every possible field. Even some excellence is there in fields Muslims of independent Pakistan should have pioneered. They stand as one, they talk as one, they advance as one and they are united.
                                 We, on the other hand, are a totally different scenario. They are Hindustanis, we are Balochis, Punjabis, Sindhis, Pakhtoons and God knows what else. Even democracy is better practiced there than in our country. Even take China, or Japan if population matters. They started evolution of a newly born (read war torn for Japan) state parallel to us. And 64 years later, we as a nation are on a highway to hell.
                                  One privilege of being an adult is voting. It is for adults for it's no sunshine and rainbows or butterflies. I (till now), like many of the other educated class, have kept my 'qeemti' vote with myself. Why to vote, what difference will a vote create......
                                  Just try reading the headlines of the newspaper these days. Busy....... Catch up with one of the tirade forms media had come up with these days. Enough brain food to keep you pondering for a day or two. US Drone testing grounds of Khyberpakhtoonkhawa, hourly bombings in Quetta and Peshawar, quake-torn regions of North, flood stricken province of Balochistan with Sindh being its latest addition, emotionally motivated rampage in Karachi, epidemic in Lahore.... Depressing list isn't it...! Wait, that's not even the half of it. All left to the wonder of a normal 'Pakistani' would be how Pakistan is managing to remain on the map of the world.
                                And believe me, our leaders think of that as their biggest achievement. And why blame them. For our 'qeemti' vote is right over there, secure in a safe, far from the reach of any politician. Then why stand up? Why question their authority? Why point out these anomalies? They had none of our support, but they are where they wanted to be.
                               It's the oppressed and the poor that are out there to vote. Obviously, give them what they want and they'll place you where you want ( rural community is about 65% population of Pakistan). And the poor, or the oppressed,  don't have much to ask for. Still, it's the call of the masses. They go where media drives them, which is a type of nuisance in a kind of its own.
                              Your vote DOES really makes a difference. There are leeches in the field out there, everywhere. At least point out the ones that are headed to wipe humanity. I don't really accredit Politicians for all this, for it's the power of the 'Chair' that blinds them. Its in human nature to explore the benefits of an authority, then why not filter out the ones that are out there to exploit us. Have your say. Be heard. Cast your vote first. If not for yourselves, then for the future of Islamic Republic Of Pakistan; a tree that grew with the sweat and blood of millions.