Wednesday 12 October 2011

My Philosophy Of Life.

            Life. It's merely a composition of 4 alphabets but a myriad meaning in context. Life is the name of purpose, hopes, ambitions and desires. Of course, the ultimate goal of every living human being is to achieve peace, both mental and moral. And the only way through is by satisfying his/her desires, contenting one's self. Almost all of us are driven by a common motive: happiness and peace. Our aims and ambitions might be different but our destination, same.
             Philosophy of life is different from person to person. One’s philosophy will vary depending on one's life experience. In fact no two people will have seen life in the same way. There would be many people with similar philosophy on life but none of them would be exactly the same. The study of philosophy is a very complicated. There are so many different questions who's answers are not easily comprehendable. It is then philosophy that takes over and provides solution to quench the our thirst on topics that are beyond the reach of science and religion. And from this an urge is developed to think on issues our mind has never set foot on.
            We all have an innate quality of reasoning and therefore can make our own decisions. And because we can make our own decisions, we are to be fully held responsible for our actions. This responsibility includes those of the personal and social nature, and a token of maturity and seriousness with which one takes things in life.
            It is impossible to get the maximum essence of life without facing the actual realities of life. It might be easy for us to drive our way but we might not be able to appreciate the actual blessing unless we take a public transport or walk or way. The spirit evolves even more when we try to do things in a more oridinary way without the use of any things we take for granted. A bit primitive approach to a particular job/work makes one realize the blessings of that particular 'blessing'! It is then the vulnerability of human power comes in limelight and at the same time a sympathy for those who do not have access to these 'applications of mordern advancement and technology'. The flavor is totally different when a touch of sacrifice is involved. Only it is then we learn that to get the most out of something, we need to give away the best we've got. Though one can complain about endless issues of badluck and misfortune, but at the same time these are the reaping of the evil deeds done.
          It is a common conception of thinking of life to be cruel, unjust......... Yes, i do agree, but to some extend. Life may not be the same thing for those who hadn't had the best of oppurtuinities to exel of prove themselves. It is true that destiny plays a much significant role in our lives than we had thought of. At the same moment there lived legends who began their journey ragged and rejected, oppressed, depressed, left alone in a world of their own by this world. And so they created a world so enormous that left the inhabitants of this world baffled and intrigued to their heads and serve today as mentors to the millions! Nelson Mandela, Albert Einstien, Mother Teressa to name a few.....
          The way i have seen it, Life is all about randomness. Be prepared and the life gives up upon you. Stay anonymous and you'll see how you get the courage to achieve realms far and beyond. Like in the famous words of late Steve Jobs, "Stay hungry, Stay foolish".